Print Outs:

Feel free to copy and paste the below to use in your classroom or workplace. Please include the© included with each of these print outs to provide credit to the creator(s) - thanks.

How to Meditate Poster:

How to Meditate Poster, designed by Elvin Dantes

How to Meditate Poster, designed by Elvin Dantes

Feeling Frustrated? Angry? Overwhelmed? Try out this Anger Catcher:

 Feel More Grounded (by connecting with your Five Senses):

@ Social Workings - Teachers Pay Teachers

@ Social Workings - Teachers Pay Teachers

A Mindful Snack (to re-center and calm): 

A Mindful S.N.A.C.K. .png

Mindful P.A.U.S.E. (to re-center and re-focus) When feeling overwhelmed, this simple practice helps you to re-connect to this moment so you can better respond to the demands of your day: